Honey Complex 1756


Used to support mare behaviour and control.



Honey Complex is concerned with hormonal support whereby energy is created for the body’s vital activities and old cells are replaced by new ones. It is designed to harmonise the body’s natural production of hormones and enzyme creation.


Dioscorea villosa ext, Honey.

Feed rate


Levels indicated are mathematically related to 500Kg Bodyweight.

Round up or down as practical and according to the individual horse or pony

900 Kg75500 Kg50
800 Kg70400 Kg40
700 Kg65300 Kg30
600 Kg60200 Kg25

Split into two feeds if possible.

Mix in with the regular bucket feed.

At the standard feedrate for a 500kg horse (50ml per day) 1 litre will last about 20 days.

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