NEGLECT – Take it easy do not suddenly over do the feeding, plenty of hay and some L94 and Cavena especially if in a pitiful condition. Replace the initial L94 feeding with Equinourish.
L94 is a highly effective lymphatic, renal, cholagogue and liver tonic. It can be fed to all Equines including breeding stock, youngstock and competition horses on a routine or occasional basis.
RACE AND COMPETITION HORSES. Feed L94 to maintain form to withstand the rigours of training minimizing the day to day set backs that are inevitably encountered and that if not overcome as they arise can accumulate to such an extent as to cause a drop in performance which although imperceptible at first can manifest itself in disappointing mid season results and possible time out
Feed L94 as a general ‘ Pick- me- up’ when horses are not ‘quite right. Horse will always benefit from a 10 day course of L94 and longer if necessary feed at the commencement of training and between races/events also feed during/after the following occasions/occurrences-:
“Off form” Non specific poor deterioration in performance
Whilst Worming Oedemas/Filled legs
Azotoria/Tying up* Laminitis
Antibiotic/Steroid treatment Ragwort/plant poisoning
Unthriftiness & General debility Liver Fluke
Anaemia* Low/Incorrect ratio WBC*
Hepatitis Liver degeneration
Non-specific Lameness Pancreatic and splenic malfunction
Aflatoxicosis Leptospirosis.
Convalescence after disease Heavy Metal toxicity
Vasculitis Inadvertent feeding of mouldy or rancid feed.
Foul faecal odour When recovering from a viral infection
Hyperlipaemia Pancreatic fatigue
L94 has a powerful choleretic action that increases the secretion and flow of bile from the liver and improves fat digestion. By its hepato-protective action L94 helps to maintain the parenchyma against the toxic effects of anthelmintics, antibiotics, chemical drugs and food toxins. A large body of blood proteins (over 20), are initiated in the liver, and are intimately involved in nearly all aspects of immunity and nonspecific resistance. They form two types of self-mediated cascade reactions to antigens, antibody-antigen complexes, dead tissue and the like, and are almost solely able to initiate the rupture and killing of bacteria. The protein strings they form around foreign substances are the main “hooks” used for absorption by macrophages as they digest and clean up. L94 has a positive effect on liver glycogen and helps to inhibitf free radical induced DNA damage.
Helps restore and maintain normal Lymph tempo avoiding calcium and iron precipitation and toxic build up
Feed L94 for bile secretion deficiency and to increase the livers’ acceptance of tocopherol (Vitamin E). This factor may well be particularly important following exertion trauma when oxidative stress causes damage to cell membranes resulting in ‘leaky’ cells. Along with the Elephants and Black Rhinos, Equines produce bile with a different composition to humans and other mammals and absorption of tocopherols (Vitamin E family), the main anti-oxidant, is slow and inefficient and there is sometimes not enough time following depletion of tocopherols before oxidative stress occurs again. This is a major factor in ‘less-than-optimum performance’ and/or more serious muscular impairment.
L94 is blend of plant extracts known for their hepatoprotective and hepatogenic properties; their beneficial effect on the regulation of mitochondrial enzymes improves energy production for body functions. It helps improve smooth endoplasmic reticulum improving protein synthesis. It has a gentle remedial action on the kidneys, spleen and pancreas and is a has a Cholagogue and choleretic action clearing bile stasis and improving fat digestion all of which is reflected in circulation, skin and haircoat health.
There are very many reasons for feeding L94 one important one is that tiny leaks in the lining of small intestine play a role in diseases as diverse as COPD and Laminitis and is an outstanding reason for undulation in general health and performance. The gut lining is meant to not only to absorb food, but to act as a barrier to keep out invading pathogens and is the very first part of the immune system. Know as the ‘Intestinal Fortitude factor’ it is where the mucosal layer of a healthy gut filters out microorganisms and undigested proteins. When this lining gets damaged, by worms, tinea, acidosis, rancid oils & fats, pain killers, bacteria, candida, spray chemicals, pesticides and pollutants in the feed the lining loses its integrity. This is when the door is open to let in the bacteria, the viruses, the toxic discharge from parasites – even undigested food molecules which can activate the immune system (and also the autoimmune system). This loss of integrity is known as “leaky gut syndrome”. L94 helps bile secretion defiency, bile is a greenish-yellow alkaline substance secreted by the liver which emulsifies fat and prevent putrefaction in the intestines and is an aid to pancreatic juices.
Various toxins can make their way through the barrier of the intestinal lining when it is permeable. Those toxins travel to the liver where they are detoxified. The liver has phases of detoxification to deal with eliminating foreign substances (phase I and II), but when the detoxification processes of the liver are impeded, it results in manifestation of disease, depending on where the toxins exert their effect. If the liver is overloaded and can’t remove the toxins, they can recirculate or deposit in the body. Either way, they upset the apple cart. The toxins can recirculate to the intestinal area where they increase the permeability of the intestinal lining even more. The relation to toxic overload on the liver and leaky gut is cyclical: A leaky gut will allow more toxins to enter the system, and, conversely, toxic overload of the liver increases leaky gut. Horses are exposed to an amazing load of toxins in the course of everyday encounters, from environmental poisons to metabolic wastes that are not efficiently eliminated. The more toxic insults, the more they loose the ability to ward off disease-causing agents. Feeding L94 helps relieve this situation by a) protecting the immune barrier of the gut, and b) providing optimal detoxification aid for waste removal.
Contents include – Capparis spinosa, Cichorium indybus, Terminalia arjuna, Solanum nigrum, Cassia occidentalis , Achillea millefolium, Tamarix gallica, Zingiber officinalis, a concentated blend of Eucalptus globulus, (Blue Gum), Thymus serpyllum (Wild Thyme), Origanum vulgare (Wild Marjoram), Allium sativum (Garlic), Rosmarins officinalis (Rosemary), Salvia officinalis (Red Sage) essential oils, active ingredients in accordance with E C Directive 1831/2003 ISO 22.000 and the related up grading with GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe) from USA FDA (Food and Drugs Adminstration, USDA/NOP REG No NP1178.
CAVENA is made in Great Britain to a unique recipe that involves a number of processes prior to final blending. Trinity’s dedicated staff are proud of this unique product that “Help’s horses in hundreds of ways. Always fresh, always consistent, always high quality, it is highly palatable and easy to feed as a recovery feed and to loved and valued horses and ponies
Fed at approximately 440g per day to a 550 kg horse (0.8g per Kg bodyweight) CAVENA is beneficial to condition and well-being and helps maintain the horse or pony’s natural immunity
- Feed to help support the natural immune defence mechanisms of the body
- Feed for its natural mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilatory properties
- Feed as a precaution against, during, or following infection resulting from viral infection
- Feed to horses and ponies with short and long term skin problems and infections
- Feed to regain excellent haircoat lustre and health and those that never look quite their best
- Feed to poor keepers and animals that are going through a difficult time
- Feed when it is important for an animal to look outstanding
- Feed one month prior to service and one month after confirmed in-foal
- Feed during the last 3 months of gestation to older mares
- Feed at restart of training/schooling following lay off.
- Feed to horses and ponies with poor appetites.
Any road to recovery must first start by rebuilding sufficient reserves of Glycogen in the liver to support the nervous system, red cell production and glucose dependant tissues before going on to support physical activity. For this there must be a minimum critical level of available carbohydrate for the task accompanied by the tools to do the job which all the vitamins, thiamine, vitamin B12, folacin, biotin and because of their close interdependency the rest of the B Complex vitamins, Vitamin E and after a setback an exogenous source of dietary Vitamin C. Liver glycogen helps metabolise fats for the proper use of protein, providing a minimum intake of critical non-activity carbohydrate is also vital to maintaining the immunity system and at approximately 0.8 per kg of live weight per day CAVENA and also sets the scene as the base for any restoration of muscle glycogen for activity and exertion that may follow in the diet of the performance horse.
Good nutrition is the key to good performance and consistent good health. A horse which is underfed in any aspect cannot give its best and the provision of adequate vitamins is often a limiting factor.
SAFETY – Whilst excessive amounts of minerals can upset critical balance any quantity of water soluble vitamins not needed for the day’s activities are harmlessly excreted within 24-48 hours and extra levels of vitamins D and E which are stored would have to be fed at exceedingly large excess before such stores result in hypervitaminosis. The same would apply to Vitamin A but it is important not to over-supply Vitamin A much beyond the ODN amount because of possible interactions with other nutrients.
FRESHNESS – CAVENA is made not more than a day or so before it is delivered ensures that CAVENA is at its best and its vitamin content will be at its most effective
ODN is the optimum amount of each type of vitamin likely to be needed per day for active horses weighing approximately 500kg and those compromised by less that optimum metabolism Forages and auxiliary feeds provide vitamins to the horse in varying proportions. The water soluble B Complex Vitamins are themselves interdependent so even when one may be known to be deficient it is good practice to provide them as a complex as in CAVENA extra B Complex Vitamins will always serve as a useful tonic and pick-me-up that are harmlessly excreted without danger of accumulation should they by chance not be needed. Some B Vitamins serve as helpers to enzymes which release energy, some help with the manufacture of red blood cells that provide oxygenation. All contribute to maximizing strength and minimizing weakness in horses and ponies returning to work and normality from time off and with any struggling metabolism. CC is the vitamin contributed by CAVENA to make up the likely shortfall between what is provided by the forage and auxiliary roughage that deemed as likely to be required. to avoid listlessness, lack of appetite, poor resistance to disease and poor performance due to vitamin insufficiency.
THIAMINE (B1) – Minimum requirement for a healthy horse is suggested at 24 mg per day. Thiamine is essential for healthy nerve impulses and muscle function, for temperament stability, carbohydrate metabolism and cell oxidation and is involved in the digestive system and the normalization of appetite. ODN = 120 M/Kg CC = 76 mg
RIBOFLAVIN (B2) – Metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Vitamin B2 is essential for the maintenance and restoration of all mucus membranes, eyes and skin. ODN = 120 M/Kg CC = 32 mg
NIACIN (NICOTINIC ACID) – Is necessary for optimum circulation, digestion and appetite normality. Niacin is involved in adrenal function and the avoidance of irritability. ODN = 200 M/Kg CC = 98 mg
PANTOTHENIC ACID – Integral in the avoidance of allergies and dermatitis associated with scabby crusts over affected areas and or loss of hair, in digestive disorder ulceration and scours. It is necessary for muscle function, limb co-ordination and the production of antibodies to support the immune system. Pantothenic acid is important in adrenal and intestinal function. Unlike ruminants that are able to utilize Pantothenic Acid produced by ruminal micro-organisms it is unlikely that Equines benefit from bacterial synthesis especially those on a mainly a fibrous diet. The only common micro-nutrient to antagonize the activities of Pantothenic Acid is Copper. Both Folic Acid and Biotin are required for the proper utilization of Pantothenic Acid with it being involved together with Biotin in the synthesis of Niacin. It is also interesting to note that Ascorbic Acid partly compensates for a deficiency of Pantothenic Acid. ODN = 75 M/Kg CC = 45 mg
VITAMIN B6 (PYRIDOXINE) – Important in the production of adrenaline, insulin and antibodies and the formation of red blood cells. A c carbohydrate and protein and enzyme activator. The groats and Sunflower in CAVENA is rich in this vitamin. ODN = 75 M/Kg CC = 27 mg BIOFLAVONOIDS (VITAMINS P) – Rutin and many others contained plants anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and blood vessel protector. Enhances the efficiency of Ascorbic acid (Vit C). CAVENA is rich in bioflavonoids due to its Calendula, Sunflower and its Groats content. VITAMIN C – (ASCORBIC ACID) Necessary for the absorption of iron and the control of blood cholesterol and particularly skin and hoof health within hours of any injury or stress synthesis of ascorbic acid accelerates to counter act free radical challenge and commence healing providing cellular stores of tocopherols (Vit E) and other micronutrients needed for synthesis are in place Vitamin C can be likened to the body’s coastguard and at any time needed the lifeboat. In turn it recycles Vitamin E making the two anti-oxidants interdependent. To ensure the fastest rescue, a prerequisite in performance horses constantly encountering stress and wear and tear and in horses with compromised metabolic function an exogenous source of Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids should be fed. CC = 2000mg BIOTIN – For optimum reflexes, bone marrow health and white cell production. Metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Anti-eczema cholesterol controller and anaemia. Involved in the synthesis of glucose and skin, hair growth and perspiration function. In the horse Biotin not only maintains foot health and coat condition but also aids endurance since co-enzymes containing Biotin are part of the energy mobilization pathways and any activity which requires extra energy depends on the adequacy of Biotin supply. Horses involved in National Hunt racing, Point-to-point and Three Day Eventing particularly need Biotin for this purpose. ODN = 2 M/Kg CC = 2.87 mg FOLIC ACID (FOLACIN) – Involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins deficiency causes weakness and lack of concentration and willingness. Anaemia and extreme weakness in cases with low Vitamin B12. Folacin in the blood of grazing horses is considerably greater than those found in the blood of stabled horses. Folic acid is particularly important in the biosynthesis of nucluic acids essential for cell formation and function. It is suggested that non-grazing horses should be given substantial levels of Folic acid. ODN = 150 M/Kg CC = 103 mg. PABA (PARA-AMINOBENZOIC ACID) – A constituent of Folic acid, helps stimulate intestina lflora to produce Folic acid utilising Pantothenic acid. Carrier of oxygen from the blood to the lungs, muscles and vital organs. One of the secrets of groats (porridge oats) in CAVENA