

Used to support digestive function


A higher level formula used to help a compromised digestive function.

This product should only be considered after consultation to establish if this is deemed necessary.

Best results achieved initially by feeding in conjunction with L94.


Soy lecithin, Agrimona eupatoria, Turbinella pyrum (processed), Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Polygonim bistoria, Melissa ofininalis, Myristica fragans, Loh bhasma, Stevia rotundifolia extract.

Feed Rate

900 Kg3.7500 Kg2.5
800 Kg3.5400 Kg2.0
700 Kg3.2300 Kg1.6
600 Kg3.0200 Kg1.1

Round up or down as practical and according to the individual horse or pony

Mix in with regular bucket feed

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