Most owners who encounter Cushing’s quickly become informed as to the aetiology of the disease and drug use which can be extremely helpful and prolong normality for quite some period of time all be it not without risk of reaction in some cases. Treatment is not always as straight forward as first portrayed but generally, Vet’s prescription is the preferred option in treating the symptoms for which a cure is not yet on the horizon.
Trinity C7 ticks all the boxes with regards a non-drug option in helping supporting horses and ponies with the problem. It provides a high level of Vitex, ‘high’ being important as it appears the main reason for Vitex often being disappointing is because too little is fed at too low a concentration of the flavonoids casticin, chryso-splenol and vitexin. C7 also contains MSM and extra levels of Vitamin E, two other vital ‘musts’ to be included. Regular users would not be without C7 but it is sometimes difficult to justify the cost of feeding C7 in conjunction with Vet costs however those that do and those that feed C7 as the only help with Cushing’s report their horses to be as normal as can be. Nothing turns the clock back, but the progression of the problem is definitely slowed if not stabilised.
What does appear promising is the statistic that so far as we know no horse or pony has started to develop Cushing’s that is fed every day on Equinourish and the numbers are not inconsiderable. OK, we need a lot longer time to start to even surmise something affirmative but looking after the horse or pony’s organs as Equinourish does so well and avoiding any accumulation of metabolic mal-functions in the first place is recognised as the most likely prevention against the disease and we thought all Equinourish feeders would like to know this.