Feed TENDONITE during recovery from tendon, sore shins and other injuries
If a horse suffers from a ruptured or pulled tendon, bruised bone, hair line fracture or any soft tissue injuries, feed Tendonite in addition to a box rest diet.
The reason for this is Tendonite not only speeds healing but provides a number of nutrients to ensure that when recovered, the tendon and surrounding tissues are not inherently weak when re-engaged in rigorous activity.
All horses are different, nevertheless the spectre of susceptible repair can never be dismissed, the reasons for this can be due to temporary nutrient insufficiency, and in particular, the lack of quality protein that can occur as the diet is automatically reduced due to the halt in activity.
Another outstanding reason for timely supplementation is that when tissues are injured, various types of tissue have a “Pecking Order” for obtaining silicon and other nutrient for repair. If Bone, Cartilage, Collagen and Glucosamine Glycans are all involved in the injury, bone repair has precedence over the other tissues which mean that there is the possibility of the other tissues being significantly retarded.
Tendons, to which muscles are connected, are attached to bone and consist of a tough, white fibrous protein called “collagen”, collagen is a unique type of protein that differs radically from all other types of protein due to its extremely high “Glycine” content making Glycine ‘conditionally essential’ during healing where for all other purposes it is not essential (essential meaning – necessary in the diet and there being a synthesis shortfall).
A further reason still, for critical supplementation with Tendonite, it’s important to note the central and vital role of Silicon. Although only a small amount of Silicon is ever utilised by the body and that silica acid is readily absorbed into the bloodstream, there is a good augment for feeding organic complexes as they possess a higher bioactivity than regular prescriptive metasilicates as they are able to attach to a greater variety of substances around the cells during bone growth, wound healing, and also similar processes as there are no known ways of enhancing of silicon availability