The idea originally came from a fortunate mistake, we sent some Peptonil for an owners horse with gastric upset and for some reason this also got fed to another horse that was not suspected at all of having a digestive problem.
Within a day or so everyone on the yard noticed the second horses’ attitude and demeanor was changing, everything about the horse was better the owners words were “It suddenly started having the best days of its life.”
Why so? The only thing we could think of was unbeknown the hose must have been quietly putting up with a degree of digestive discomfort.
As if by design shortly after this, a horse owner rang to say that they suspected one of their ponies had ulcers but as it was terrified of treatment so they did not want to subject him to the trauma of scoping and what did we think?
Fresh in our minds we related the story of the Peptonil mistake, the pony’s owner said what harm would it do for her to see what happened if she fed it, what would be the cost of finding out? We said no harm would come from feeding Peptonil and £24 if they were not going to ask for professional advice, which we urged.
It took a day for the pony to readily eat the Peptonil but when more than a pinch was fed the pony began to show relief quickly becoming more amenable and content.
We have since used the same test quite often, pointing out that it is no more than a way of confirming suspicions and enabling an owner to take it from there. Although not available in our on-line store, Peptonil is available through our Consultants 01243 551766 or